To-Do List
This site is still under construction. Like, a lot. And yes, I’m still working on it.
In fact, I’m still working on it as of:
January 6, 2025
I have to manually update this number every time…
If you’re reading this, it may be worth checking back in every once in a while as I figure things out!
Stuff I’d like to add:
-A personal info page, so you can kinda get an overview of who I am and what I’m about
-Really trying to make an art portfolio work, I’m actually proud of some of the stuff I do now
-Genuine thought area, like a blog or public journal of some kind
-Illustrate EVERY Weirdosity character (or at least most of them) (~90+)
-Start a comic based on a story revolving around Authmind and a specific other character
-A page for more coherent and expansive things that aren’t quite projects but aren’t just throwaway pieces either, which I’m currently calling “Musings” but may change
and probably more! I also like adding secrets, or fun references for people who already know me pretty well. If something seems strange, it probably is. I also may make a discord server, it’s been a while.
Fixed the Bluesky link going to my “secret” alt rather than my main (WHOOPS!)
Survived a little longer
Discovered there’s an analytics page with ACTUAL analytics!
Realized the analytics page is junk and not actually reliable in the slightest
Remembered art is difficult
Did it anyways
Hi Cyth! :)
New logo for header
Hello again.
I’m very sorry for the delay with the site. I’m sure if you’ve been coming here and keeping up with things, it is sorely disappointing to see, or perhaps, to not see, the development of this site.
I’ve been back, but have been taking a bit of a break for my mental health.
If I were any lesser of a [THING], I would even possibly say it’s been driving me to insanity!
It’s not going super great… I am enjoying the break, but it is filling my head more and more with a sense of guilt and obligation to return. To finish my craft, to work on my art. I have a message and my very soul is craving to share it now.
The things I’m doing here. They are hard. I cannot understate it. This is taking it out of me.
I have a lot of ideas. A lot. I’m serious. I have a document here that I keep adding to just so I don’t forget anything- I’ve got my work cut out for me.
I may be making a whole comic series based on ideas I’ve been having. I never thought I’d say that, but here we are. I may actually, finally, publish something.
Just here, though. Just online. Maybe on some social media as well, but. Nothing big. Not yet.
To those who are reading this, thank you.
I know of only a few of you, I’m sure. The few notes I’ve gotten on this place, they mean a lot. Thank you. To those of you watching from beyond the veil so to speak, thank you as well.
I am doing this for me. For myself. But I am so glad that there are people who want to come along with me for my new adventure. I am so happy to inspire people.
Don’t give up on me. I haven’t abandoned this. I just need some time for myself. I would very much like to actually survive this with my heart, mind, and soul in-tact.
Though, if anyone is reading this, feel free to tell me what you’d like to see more of. I’ve got a bit of everything on the backburner, and I am always more inspired if it means making someone happy. So if you’d like to see more:
-Journal Entries
-The comic idea I mentioned
-Info about me
-Weirdosity’s pages being finished
-Arts & Crafts
-Something else entirely!Just let me know. I’m happy to share.
This is taking a toll on me. I’ve been working on this since September 5.
Going on a road trip, won’t be able to work on the site for multiple weeks.
I’m so close. I’m so close but I keep doubting myself. This is really not easy for me.
I am so terribly busy. I want to do this. It’s where my heart is and has been.
It doesn’t help that the things I’ve been writing about are… painful. Taking a break really couldn’t have come at a better time.
Please continue being patient with me.
Big but random change, the blog posts now have audio logs of me reading them! I wanted to work on my confidence with recording my own voice and speaking, so, figured there was no better place to do it or start than here and now.
:) It works.
Inhumane amount of work on writing and pages that still aren’t visible yet
New blog post!
Hitting a few roadblocks here. I’m trying, though.
New blog post!
Getting close. Finally. The end is now in sight for the stuff I wanted to start off with.
New blog post!
Updated the “My Works” page to feature a new piece of artwork and give it a new feel. I’m pretty proud of how it came out, just wish the website didn’t compress my images so much for no reason…
Programming sucks if you have no experience and have a million other things to do
Lots of art. Lots. I know a lot of it isn’t being shown, but these simple doodles take me a very long time. Hours. I wish I was faster. I sound like a broken record in these, but seriously, when I finally finish all of this, I’m really hoping it’ll be impressive.
I’ve once again been making very good progress. Nothing I can show publicly yet, but this is very exciting, believe me. I’m chittering with excitement already.
Looks like my site is starting to get some eyes on it here and there! Or at least the Weirdosity site is… Hello Viewer! Please be patient, I’ve not made even half of what I want to public yet, so… there is much to come.
Made the “My works” page visible, please enjoy it :)
Added the art portfolio page, which features some website art that I’ve made so far
(though I haven’t made the pages that art is on public yet, ironic)Added the journal, and it’s first entry
Custom 404 page, will probably change it but it’s 4 AM I’m too tired to be clever
More artwork, for stuff that isn’t quite ready yet
Learned a bit more about myself
Work on non-public secrets
Making good progress today! Got a page of info about myself looking decent, will hopefully finish the rest of the stuff it needs to go alongside it soon.
Hi Long! :)
Worked on more artwork for some pages that would be nice to release soon
I’ve been busy these past few days, with both some emotional stuff and demo-ing a building (boy I love fiberglass!!!!) so I’m hoping to get back into the swing of things soon.
Removed the artwork page link for now, had a better idea that should be a little bit more future-proofed against clutter
Changed the backgroud art slightly
A lot of work on pages that I’ve yet to give public access
Early version of an art page rolling out, uploaded a single doodle for the time being
Site header is now readable
Removed twitter link, I don’t actually use it nor plan to anyway
The discord link works now, but the server has yet to be set up. If you join now, it’ll just be me.