I'm very proud of this. I of course used a reference to get the clock right, but everything else was without reference. I'm so happy that I captured the perspective I wanted on the figure themselves. I really like how this came out! It makes me happy. I really like not having to doodle his belts every time as it lets you actually kinda see how his shirt(?) ends in that cool little cut. I don't know like anything about fashion so I have no idea what to call that lol The clock rings. I've been enjoying working on unique perspectives for things so this was pretty fun to work on as well. In case you wanted to see what they look like uncut without that little asshole in the way, here ya go! Slide 1 Slide 1 (current slide) Slide 2 Slide 2 (current slide) Slide 3 Slide 3 (current slide)