Edisoul.com & Current affairs

"I have no idea what I'm doing."

Prefer audio books, or just want to listen along as you read? Well, to work on my confidence with my own voice, I’ve recorded myself reading my journal entries!
I tend to ramble a bit more on side tangents or more elaborations on what I wrote in the audio, so forgive me. I also haven’t edited them, so… you’re gonna hear my goofs and amateurishness on full display.
…Seriously, this one’s rough. This was the first one I recorded, I got a phone notification halfway through, my cats meow throughout, and while I would’ve cut it down a lot, I think giving people the ability to hear how absolutely nervous and geeky I am may be kinda funny.
If you want to skip the nervous, nerdy rambles at the start, skip to 4:07 or 2:04 in the 2x speed version.

Hello, there.

I haven’t journaled… anywhere, in some time. I figured it was time to step back into it. After all, what kind of author would I be if I never wrote?
(Well… I mean, publicly anyways. The most public writing I’ve done lately has just been overly-verbose Klei Entertainment forum posts.)

This first entry I wanted to make about the website itself, before my entries inevitably turn into random incoherent ramblings. …Well… I tried, but the incoherent ramblings snuck in anyways. Oh well.

As of late, I’ve been working more and more on both various projects, and myself. Soul-searching, coming to terms with myself and acknowledging how I’ve grown, etc.

This website is for me. For me to be able to chart myself and my works in a clean, neat manner, and for other people to be able to share in my adventure with me, should they wish.

It may be a bit difficult for me to get into the swing of things as far as journaling goes… I’m pretty bad at talking about myself unprompted, but I can try. I guess if you have any questions or something you want my input or opinion on in one of these posts, just fill out the contact forum on the main page. It can be used anonymously, so don’t sweat outing yourself if you want to ask something silly. No judgement.

Right now, as I’m writing this, I’m working on quite a few things- honestly I may be burning the candle at both ends a little too much.

My minecraft server - I’m making a server I intend to be available for the public, hopefully to make a nice community and maybe even have some nice side income. The goal is to have it play majorly the same as vanilla, just with a few server QoL features, like land protection, teleporting to friends, sethomes, the basic essentials. No economy plugins, no crazy features, no pay-to-win, just the ability to enjoy more-or-less the base game with friends. The idea is to never reset the map either, just increasing the world border as updates release, and having old land claims expire after ~90 days of inactivity. Should be fun!

This website - Right at this second I’m working on the website. Obviously, I guess. But specifically, I’m making the blog, trying to set up the art portfolio, maybe making a projects page, sneaking in some secrets and easter eggs, and kind of pushing what I can do on this site builder. I have little to no clue how to make websites and stuff, so I’m honestly kind of amazed and impressed that the website looks as “okay” as it currently does. I’ve been keeping this place kind of quiet while I work on it, only keeping a little link to it on my Klei profile. None of my friends even know this thing exists yet, so I guess I’ll wait for one of them to find it. Sometimes I wish I were smarter so that things like this didn’t take me so long, but, well. Can’t really do anything about that besides keep at it, I suppose!

Also been thinking of what to do for the discord server. I think it’d be neat to make it be just a cool community chat/hub for all kinds of things, like discussions about games I like and maybe it being a cool place to find more people who share similar interests to me. I had a server like that years ago, but I was pretty immature(frankly, idiotic.), pretty volatile, and overextended myself and the scope of it, so I ended up purging it on a whim during a depressive episode. If you knew what that place was, hey!

Weirdosity - Would be neat to get more people interested in Weirdosity. It’s been on a hiatus (kinda) as I’ve primarily worked on other projects like it with other people & another large personal project of mine, so I haven’t had any time to dedicate to finding the right kind of people to play it. The right players are hard to come by, but when they do show up, man, it is lifechanging- to be able to feel someone else be TRULY passionate to explore your work, there’s nothing else like it. To feel someone want to play it so bad that they very nearly crave it, to have someone genuinely fall in love with its characters, to have someone who… Well, I’m sure you get the idea.
I have been setting a lot of its finer details down in stone. One day I’d love to make it into something more, like an actual game, and (pardon missing massive stacks of capital to start,) I’m actually in a place with it where I’d consider it pretty good and nearly a fully complete experience. Of course if I were to make it into something I’d want to get a bunch of other writers alongside me, or at least maybe one or two good ones. If it sounds like something you’d like to play or something you’d want to work with me on, or heck, if you have no idea what it is but want to know now, let me know! It’s taken a while to get over being so protective of it, but I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t dying to have some other people’s fresh perspectives on it after I’ve kept it to myself for so long. I’ll be adding an area to the “Projects” tab that talks about Weirdosity and maybe has a few interactive areas and elements to it.

Personal life - My parents bought a huge chunk of land about ~45 minutes from my house. It’s old farm(ish)land that’s been sitting abandoned from anywhere between 5-25 years. They call me out there every once in a while to help them, so I’ve slowly been expanding my skills with stuff like that, I guess. Tearing down walls, fighting thick blackberry bushes that are twice (or thrice!) as tall as I am, learning how to use power tools and heavy equipment like tractors and stump grinders and such, it’s pretty wild. Additionally, my brother-in-law is moving back to the state soon, but due to some shenanigans beyond their control, he’s staying in my house’s guest room for a month or so. And to top it all off, my cats won’t shut up about wanting to slather themselves on me while I’m BUSY TRYING TO TYPE SOMETHING

Been going on walks more frequently. Something about getting out and having to tame the Washington wilderness has given me a new appreciation for it, I guess.

And, well, it’s October, home of the best holiday that exists, Halloween. My obsession with out-performing myself each year with the decorations is starting to get a little stressful… I wasn’t planning on doing too much, but… my neighbors have decided to actually get in on the whole decoration thing. My whole neighborhood street has been decked out to an impressive point; something I can’t let stand- people need to know I’m THE good house. Nobody is allowed to love Halloween more than ME!

…And I’m an artist now! For ages I’ve just considered my art to be terrible, much to the annoyance of those around me, but after just making my own silly little style, I have to say, it’s actually kind of fun for me now. It’s nice to make something and not hate it & myself for once, even if it doesn’t look that grand. If you were one of those people who kept encouraging me through those gray periods, Gratias tibi ago.

Anyways, I guess that’s that, for now. If you want to know more about anything, ask me any questions, hear any stories, or get me to ramble and rant about something, you know where to find me.

I look forwards to the future of this place. Thanks for taking the time to humor me.

Auth “Authmind” Mind


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Stress, The Future, Travel